Thursday, May 7, 2009

The Beginning...

This blog is one of many things in my life. It will be a smorgisborg of life events (good and bad), fashion, decorating, food, and so much more. I am really excited to dig deeper into what makes me tick and be able to show it to the world. P.S. I exaggerate, but for the most part I am real and down to earth. But, I DREAM BIG! A lot is starting in my life so pay attention! This summer I will be interning at Stanley Korshak in Dallas, and working at Anthropologie. All the while I will be training for a half-marathon, learning tennis and golf, and taking an online ethics course, spending time with my family, and writing about it all!!!

Check out my other websites:

1 comment:

  1. :] Alex you're so awesome! I'm following for suure!
